Once upon a time,
There was a little girl living in the poor town.
One day, the little girl met an old woman on the street.
The old woman gave her a magic porridge pot.
"Cook, little pot, Cook!" And the little pot cooked some porridge.
"Stop little pot, stop!" And the little pot stopped cooking.
Soon, the old waman disappeared. The little girl was puzzled.
But she was very pleased and took the magic porridge pot to her mother.
"Mom! Look at this!", said the little girl. "Cook little pot, Cook!"
The little girl recited the magic words.
And the little pot cooked some porridge.
Then, the little girl's mother recited the magic words, too.
"Cook, Little pot, Cook!" And the magic porridge pot went on cooking.
Soon, the kitchen was full of porridge.
And still the magic porridge pot went on cooking.
Soon, the house was full of porridge.
And still the magic porridge pot went on cooking.
Soon, the street was full of porridge.
And still the magic porridge pot went on cooking.
Soon, the whole town was full of porridge.
And still the magic porridge pot went on cooking.
The peole of poor town came out to the street.
They were amazed by the scene.
Soon, the people of poor town started eating the porridge.
They were really hungry. But soon, They were happy eating porridge.
And still the magic porridge pot went on cooking.
The whole town was full of porridge.
The whole street was full of people eating the porridge.
The little girl and her mother came out to the street.
They saw the people eating porridge everywhere.
They saw that the whole town was full of porridge.
"Stop, little pot. Stop!" said the little girl.
At last, the magic porridge pot stopped cooking.
But the whole town is still eating the porridge!